A Marriage of Complements and Compliments

Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy and for the lives we share together, and for our family.

Today Darcy and I celebrate our wedding anniversary--21 years!

Ours has been a marriage of complements. We complement one another well in numerous ways. Such as how we both prefer to keep a clean house and share in the duties to make it so. Both of us make physical fitness a priority and help each other get out the door for early morning training runs.

Both of us understand that a healthy marriage and a strong family take work, consistency, and faith. And laughter and forgiveness are keys, as is appreciation for one another. After 21 years, we also know when to push a point and when to let silence speak, at least better than we used to.

Ours is also a marriage of compliments. Not day in and day out, not sappy. Genuine compliments about how we may have handled a situation at work or with one of our family members. A sincere mention of liking a new haircut or the way a shirt fits. We notice and acknowledge one another and what we do as individuals. It makes us a stronger pair.

Like most couples together for over two decades, we probably let many opportunities to compliment one another go right by. The important thing is we don't let all those opportunities flit away, and we don't take one another for granted all the time.

We look forward to a significant year, with our son Sam entering his senior year of high school. We look forward to goals we share for our future. Wedded bliss is hard to maintain, but wedded contentment? We maintain that pretty well.

Happy Anniversary dear! I love you :-)
