Uplift as Gift

Today I am grateful for the sweetness of blueberries and the way the morning sun plays off of the trees and grass in our yard.  I am also grateful for park time with our grandson Leo.

This is a recent quote from "Word for the Day" at www.gratefulness.org :

Make a gift of your life and lift all . . . by being kind, considerate, forgiving, 
and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, 
with everyone as well as yourself.
This is the greatest gift anyone can give.
(David R. Hawkins) 

I don't know what Dr. Hawkins was thinking when he wrote this, but my first thought when I read it was "impossible!"  I am too human to achieve this ideal. And then it hit me. That's the point. That's why the quote struck me. No one is perfect. Do the best you can with what you have today.

It is a good target to aim for. More kindness, consideration, compassion and forgiveness that I might have otherwise missed showing. These lead to more patience and tolerance, which are wonderful expressions of love. 

When expressing love and gratefulness, a little bit goes a long way. I can do my part, and do it more positively when my heart and mind are open and gratitude is flowing. 

Let's each start there in this present moment. 

I will be taking a blog break into early next week. Have a good day! 
