Breezing By

Today I am grateful for songs that move and headphones that heighten the listening. I am also grateful for the school our son Sam will be attending soon.

Yesterday we had a breeze with a touch of fall in it. I loved it. I am looking forward to fall-my favorite season. It was refreshing in a week where I have felt anything but refreshed much of the time. 

I added to the natural breeze with windows down and music up as I drove home from work. And with a brief but pleasant bike ride on my favorite stretch of trail.

It all helped bring some perspective back for me, as did a visit from our grandson Leo. A busy work week had been taking precedence. In ways, it needed to. In other ways though, I got sucked in by my propensity to overthink and overdo.

Life breezes by. Days and moments breeze by.  Am I spending them the way I wish? Are my choices healthy?  Do I know balance and peace?  All important and relevant questions to keep asking.

Have a nice weekend! I will be taking a blog break and enjoying family time on the happy occasion of a niece's wedding.
