Life Saver #1

Today I am grateful to have a doctor I trust and am comfortable with, and I'm grateful she gave me reassurance about my knee.  I am also grateful for the early morning quiet.

I did get that letter sent off to my friend Sheila yesterday. Her and I met when we were freshmen in high school. By the time we left high school, I had a drinking problem. Looking back on those years, I consider Sheila to be one of my life savers. (My second life saver is my college friend Deb.) I was not fun to be around after I had too much to drink. Most of my friends didn't know what to do with me. I probably made them uncomfortable, understandably so. And we were all so young. But Sheila always seemed to know when I needed to talk and when I shouldn't be left alone. I am eternally grateful to her for those times, even though I don't recall many of them because I was blacked out. Some of those nights could have had a much different result if not for Sheila.

Sheila and I have kept in touch all these years.  Even if some time goes by between visits or chats, we always just seem to pick back up where we left off. We don't live by each other and don't see each other often. I wish that were different, but we still connect, and now we text too.

Then late last summer, Sheila was diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn't see that one coming, and of course neither did she. We have talked frequently over these last months, and shared a journey I never wanted to share with her. As I thought about it though, it's sort of "what comes around goes around." Forever grateful to Sheila for being my life saver, now I have been able to give back to her, to our friendship in a way I never imagined.  You never know what God has planned.

Thank you Sheila!  There's no friend like an old friend.


  1. I will always be grateful for a friend like you Lisa. Yes, I am a believer in what comes around goes around, but of course that was not what I was thinking years ago. I always saw something positive in you which I don't think you saw in yourself. Years later and miles apart, I am grateful for our friendship. Thanks, Sheila


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