Call It What You Like

Today I am grateful for our house and some time off to do some spring cleaning. I am also grateful for walk and talk time with my friend Jenny.  We walk and talk for hours and still run out of time before we run out of conversation.

Jenny and I were co-workers for several years, acquaintances who had shared a few conversations about writing, yoga, running, and the breast cancer that had touched our families. I had wanted to get to know her better, but didn't expect the vehicle to make that possible would be our own dual breast cancer diagnoses less than a month apart in May and June of 2008.  To literally have someone walking the same path as I was at the same time was one heck of a silver lining in a dark cloud. 

Which brings me to God, Higher Power, The Universe.  Call it what you like, but I believe that there is a greater force at work in our lives and it will be a recurring theme in this blog.  I tend to use the terms God or Higher Power, but I hope you have a term you are comfortable with too.

God threw circumstances at Jenny and I that were difficult but that also brought many blessings, including our friendship. When I think about gratitude, I think about this higher force at work in the world and how gifts can come in unlikely packages.


  1. I look at good friends as god with skin on. Sometimes the gratitude comes in the middle of a rough road. I am thinking about the spring cleaning and knowing that cleaning in my house and heart and mind clears the path for gratitude to get thru.


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