Let it Go, Let it Flow

"Let come what comes, let go what goes. See what remains."

-Ramana Maharshi-

Letting go can be so hard, and so necessary. It's a daily process for me, and one I will never perfect. Yet, in the practice of letting go, the rewards come. Unburdening. Clarifying. Releasing. All these and more help me maintain energy for what truly matters and where I can truly make a difference: the thoughts and actions I choose. 

Hanging on depletes and drains, whether it is regret, changing bodies, evolving relationships, unhealthy perceptions or wrong-sized ego. Let go. Let go or be dragged. Letting go is a form of love. It takes courage to let go. Fear would rather have us keep a tight grip. 

When I let go, it also helps the peace and gratitude flow. Even if it's only for a few minutes, that peace is enough to save me from myself. Right now, I am in the process of shifting from this blog to my new website and blog: A Late Bloomer Living Gratefully. 

I have fear and uncertainty, and a learning curve with a new platform. I could just stay the course. It would be easier to keep doing what I am doing, but my writing heart is asking for change, for new opportunities, for faith. 

In the spirit of this transition, here are two things you will find on my new website: 

Gratitude Flow Columns Five years worth of monthly "Gratitude Flow" columns in our local newspaper. You will find numerous mentions of letting go. Here is one from January, 2018: "Life comes with ups and downs, both expected and unexpected. Learning to bounce back from disappointments and frustrations is as vital to our overall health as is the pursuit of our dreams and time spent doing healthy and enjoyable things with people who are healthy and enjoyable." 

Gratitude Flow This is the second blog post on my new site and references the gratitude journal I was given as a gift and how it truly got the gratitude flowing to replace the river of self-pity I had been drowning in. 

And I close this post with this thought: Let prayers and compassion flow to refugees, tornado victims, family and friends facing surgery and serious medical situations. Let love and peace flow to all who are suffering in big and small ways. Let it flow to all humankind. 


  1. Amazing Blog! Thank you. I am really impressed with your writing talents and also with the layout of your weblog. Our course includes daily mindfulness practice for students teens, adults, kids and groups.

    1. Thank you! And I appreciate your efforts to bring mindfulness into schools.

  2. Great blog! I have a gratitude blog where I try to share my two cents on letting go—whether it’s releasing negativity, embracing change, or finding peace in the present. It’s amazing how freeing it feels to let go of what no longer serves us! Would love to hear your thoughts on it sometime. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you! The liberation of letting go. Burdened or unburdened. Have a good day!


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