
It's all about rising above and about love. Rising above who we are to become more of who we are.

I wrote these words in yesterday's post. It was one of those times as a writer where my own words surprise me. They just show up and leave me thinking "where did they come from?"

On this last day of 2021, many may be reflecting on the past year and resolving to transform themselves in the next. Reflecting and resolving are good practices, when followed with action, persistence, and faith. I tire of "new year, new you" rhetoric though, and the reality is that most people's resolutions fall by the wayside in the first weeks of the new year. 

It's not a new me that is needed. It's maybe one new (or returning) habit that helps me feel a little better in some area of my life. I can build from there. That's where the words above came from. No need to seek a new me. I am right here, right now, perfectly present and perfectly me. I love who I am and I love my potential. Rising above who we are to become more of who we are. 

Relentless in my self-judgment for so long, I often neglected acknowledging the ample good in me-the accomplishments, insights, growth, transformations, love, faith, recovery. 

I do have a resolution to eat better and take off a few pounds. This has been a frequent area of resolve for me after annual holiday indulging. I am also four months post-hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy and feeling the effects of overall mind and body changes. 

Fueling my body more healthily is now even more important to my energy level, overall health, and my ability to rise above who I currently am to become more of who I am in the wonderful and mysterious ways that await me.  

Resolution can be an intimidating word. Resolve is a fine word, more gentle somehow. Resolve: decide firmly on a course of action. Resolve: firm determination to do something. Resolve: make a commitment.

One moment, hour, day at a time, what are you resolving to do to help you become more of who you are? 

Happy New Year! Sure. More importantly, Happy New Day! See you back here next week. 
