A Book and a Movie: Worthy Recommendations
Living gratefully today, I appreciate that I was taught to read at a young age, and that I can enjoy movies in the comfort of my home thanks to streaming services like Netflix.
It was an emotionally-heavy movie, with a strong performance from Sandra Bullock and a good supporting cast. The plotline is "cop killer released from prison, searches for sister she had to leave behind." But it is so much more, in the twists and turns taken, and in the redemption that finally arrives, at least partially. It drained me in one way, and lifted me up in another.
Last night we watched a movie that others had recommended. This morning I finished a book, also recommended by others. Both were worthy of my time. They weren't light fare in terms of struggle and emotional range, but those are the kinds of movies and books I like. It's all about rising above and about love. Rising above who we are to become more of who we are. Love wins.
The book came recommended to me by two students at my school, and a colleague had a copy I borrowed. The book is:
It was a quick read, and also quick to touch my heart in many ways. Set in WWII, it is about a sister and brother finding the true meaning of home. And it is about so much more.
The movie is:
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The book's tagline is "Finding where you belong is always worth the fight."
The movie's is "No one walks free of their past."
In the end, each story is about letting go as much as it is about fighting. Freedom comes in the surrender as much as it comes in the fight. We can all find examples of that in our own stories. I know I sure can, which is why I appreciated both of these recommendations.
Thanks to those who recommended each, and thanks to all who made the book and the movie possible, especially Kimberly Brubaker Bradley and Sandra Bullock.
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