Even Squirrels Have Stories

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the morning's first sip of coffee and the other creatures and critters that share space with us.

Squirrels are one of those critters. They can be pesky, but they are fun to watch. We saw a black one at the University of Nebraska last week. We see white or albino ones fairly regularly in our neighborhood.

Last evening Darcy and I took a walk with our own critter-our dog Oliver.  We watched a white squirrel at play with another squirrel, a typical brown one. The white one took off across the fairway on one of the holes of the golf course we live by. The color contrast made for a fun little show. The other took off after it for a bit and then stopped. It made Darcy and I wonder what the story was. Even squirrels have stories.

Every person and every living thing has a story. By honoring and telling our own stories, we open the door for others to do the same. By honoring all living things, by showing respect and kindness, we take better care of our natural world. Such honor and respect allows the wider story to continue.

And it all starts by simply noticing, paying attention. Pausing in this moment. What is my story today? What will I be adding to it?  What is your story? What is the story of the playful squirrel? I can tell you part of it because last evening we enjoyed the fast streak of it across the fairway and we smiled. We connected in a small way with one of the smaller creatures in our neighborhood.

Listen for stories today. Your own and those of other living beings. Listen with ears and with heart. 
