
Today I am grateful for my eyesight and the various tones of color in the clouds I am viewing this morning. I am also grateful for butter on toasted bagels.

Another quote today, just five short words:

"Boredom is a lack of attention." 
(Fritz Perls)

Interesting that this quote comes from Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy is the focus on how our current emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are impacting us. In the time it was developed, psychotherapy often focused more on one's past and how it was impacting the person in the present. 

Gestalt therapy doesn't negate the past, but focuses more on present circumstances and how to achieve growth and balance. As I studied various theories in college and graduate school, I liked numerous aspects of Gestalt therapy.

So it isn't surprising that Perls penned this phrase, because paying attention is all about the present and the surrounding environment we find ourselves in. 

I know in today's world it can seem like there is too much to pay attention to, but we choose where we put our focus. We really do. Tune out and dismiss what doesn't matter. Tune in and focus on what does. 

I can honestly say I am rarely if ever bored. I aspire to more balance and calm in my days, but that starts with paying attention here and now. As I do that in this moment, I am hearing a wide variety of sounds around me, near and father away. Sounds are a good thing to tune into.

Which one of your senses is asking you to pay attention now? 
