A Blank Slate

Today I am grateful for time with other recovering women last evening. I am also grateful for the comfortable bed I get to sleep in and my husband Darcy beside me.

I was pondering several things already this morning in my active mind. Other people who need prayers, support, hope. The day ahead and how much I may or may not get done. Worries and fears.
Times that I am looking forward to, and the people and places that come with them.

As I sat down to start a post, I was uninspired. I have a few drafts started here and there. I will see a quote and want to build on it. Or a thought will come to me when I am running and I will make note of it because I think it will lead to a thoughtful blog post.

Nothing spoke to me this morning. Except the blank slate of the computer screen in front of me.

Indeed, today and every day start as a blank slate. The key for me is to not start filling them up with too many plans, expectations, thoughts, to-do lists. The key is to take it moment by moment and let today's design fill the blank slate as it was meant to be filled.

That takes patience, acceptance, an open mind and heart. Faith beyond our human capacity. Love and tolerance. More patience and acceptance.

Gratitude helps because it keeps me present and becomes the first brush strokes on the blank slate.
