Mr. Valentine

Today I am grateful for recovery friends I get to see regularly and visits from those who have moved away. I am also grateful for my husband Darcy, on this Valentine's Day, and every day. 

I used to avoid writing about Valentine's Day. It was too tough, too "poor me." Too much a reminder of what I didn't have and seemingly everyone else did.

Now I joke about how every day is Valentine's Day when you are married to a real Valentine. Love isn't a joke though. It is genuine and deep, and at times hard work. My husband Darcy, Mr. Valentine, has put in hard work to make our marriage strong and our relationship healthy.

I want to acknowledge his love and his dedication to us. I am not an easy person to live with at times.
It is true that those closest to us see our best and our worst. Thank you Darcy for seeing past my worst, for forgiving, for staying committed.

I don't want you to think I am a holy terror, but truth be told, when I am spun up, I am not fun to be around. It usually has everything to do with me and where I am at in my head and heart, but it comes out in unwelcome and unkind ways at times.

Darcy will read this and say he's not perfect either. But I give him credit for being the more consistently reasonable one in this partnership.  We have grown so much together, as individuals and as spouses. For that I am deeply grateful. And looking forward to where today and tomorrow will take us.

It is fitting that today's Wellness Week theme at school is "Intention: If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you." A healthy marriage and gratitude practice both take consistent effort and commitment. Both are worth it ten times over.  I love you Darcy! 


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