
Today I am grateful for the others parents we have gotten to know through Sam's activities. I am also grateful for our dog Oliver and his unconditional love.

HINDSIGHT is today's word. It refers to understanding an event or happening after it has taken place or become more fully developed. "Hindsight is 20/20" is a phrase often heard. I think about the many important insights I have gained by looking back on something just experienced. It may have been hours or days, or perhaps weeks, months or years.

There is only one way to get to the hindsight. Keep plugging along. It helps to not overthink it; trying to predict or push for outcomes. It also is important to keep the faith and believe, even in difficult times, that we will glean some positives and gratefulness when it is all said and done. This has been my experience time and time again. Writing about it just helps the hindsight crystallize.

Hindsight requires pausing and patience. If I don't give myself and life some time and reflection, I race right past the messages, new knowledge, and fresh perspectives that are possible.

Pause patiently and look back today. What do you see?
