Gray and Rainy Days vs. Endorphins

Today I am grateful for attire and shoes that allow me to run in pretty much any weather conditions and I am also grateful for the music of Neil Diamond.

We have been having gray and wet weather the last few days. Couple that with the shorter daylight and it can be depleting to the body, mind, heart, and soul. It could be worse--it could be colder, snowy, icy. It might be more treacherous running in that.

It can still be hard to muster the desire to go for a run after work when it is drizzling, chilly, and the daylight is already fading. That is the decision I faced a couple days this week. Run or not run?

I was a little frustrated by the fact that my commute on these days was mostly dry until I got close to home. Come on! But I changed, laced up, and headed out. Monday's run was sluggish but I still felt better for doing it. As always.

Yesterday's run was one of those that keeps me running. It was raining a little, but I had the right gear on, and it was a few degrees above freezing, so I wasn't worried about ice. I hit a stretch of trail and could see the trees reflected in the water on the trail. Bare trees settling in for a long winter's nap are still beautiful.

The stress of the work day and worries about loved ones subsided with each stride. My head cleared and my heart lightened. Writing ideas began to populate my mind.

Physical exercise with mental, spiritual, and emotional benefits, courtesy of endorphins. Endorphins are free and very effective.

Gray/rainy days vs. endorphins . . . and the winner is . . . endorphins! And me.
