Fortune #2: The Art of Relationship

Today I am grateful for a good first cup of morning coffee and for my job and years of experience there that help me keep perspective.

I just tore open my second fortune cookie and here's what I saw:

"The art of relationship is all in appreciation." 

What a nice set of words to ponder this morning. To ponder as I sit by my husband in our recliners. To ponder as I gear up for another day of work with students and colleagues. To ponder as I look in the mirror.

Then the realization strikes. Each day, throughout my day, I am in relationship with everything and everyone I encounter. If I look for the good, I will find it. If I look for things to complain about, I will find them too.

A sense of appreciation and awe will lead me to the good, and lead me to a healthier perspective. This is the heart of gratitude practice. It works if I work at it. 
