True Grit

Today I am grateful for my sense of smell and the coffee it is savoring right now. I am also grateful for comfortable couches.

I was intrigued by this article I read yesterday on the Greater Good Science Center's website:

"Grit Needs Passion, Not Fear"

It was written by Dr. Christine Carter. Whatever I read from her makes a lot of sense to me and I appreciate that.

The main point of this article is that grit has two parts to it. Too often we get hung up on the first part and end of frustrated and not having much fun.

This is the definition of grit from psychologist Angela Duckworth: perseverance and passion for long-term goals.  Carter's point is that too many of us persevere, work, push, push, lose the passion, and end up exhausted, anxious, and discouraged. The key to true grit is both parts. Persevering and persisting at a goal that we are passionate about.

By that definition, I have true grit when it comes to blogging and practicing gratitude. There are days I feel less than grateful and days when the words on the page or screen seem stalled out. But there are far more days when the passion and inspiration I have for writing and gratefulness move me and inspire the composing that takes place.

True grit leads to true success, defined as doing what we love and reaching a state of flow. That's all. And that is more than enough.

Where is the true grit in your life?


  1. Perseverance and passion, passion and perseverance,not one without the other. Today I am grateful that I can change my mind and shatter a should. I am also grateful that you reminded me of the Greater Good Science Center, always good for me to check out.

    1. Shattering shoulds--makes more time for the things we can and would like to do, versus what we think we should do :-) The GGSC has great articles and videos--experience has convinced me of the value of gratitude practice, but it doesn't hurt to have science to back it up. Thanks!


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