In Gratitude

Today I am grateful for feeling more energetic as I take a few pounds off and eat more mindfully. I am also grateful for a growing patience with the process of living life each day.

Yesterday it was ingratitude. Today, it is in gratitude. I find myself back in a better frame of mind, back in a more mindful perspective. Gratitude and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. Some things fell in to place at work yesterday. A student I needed to see walked by our offices. A family I was waiting to see came in earlier rather than later. I was able to leave work when I wanted to, and my desk was even fairly clean.

Last evening I was in gratitude for the enjoyment of making dinner with my son Sam. He helped cut up some vegetables while I was getting other things ready. We all agreed it was a satisfying and tasty meal. In gratitude that we take the time to eat as many meals together each week as we can.

In gratitude for the chance to run outside and take to the trails and roads again. They are still messy and sloppy and I have to be careful, but more and more safe surfaces are being revealed as melting takes place. Part of my run yesterday afternoon was in a church parking lot, but it worked. In gratitude to be healthy and able to run.

In gratitude for the support and encouragement Darcy and I are giving one another as we work hard to eat better, lose weight, get fitter and faster. In gratitude for enough energy to run a couple errands with Darcy last evening. And to appreciate the natural foods store/coop just down the road from us.

Living in gratitude has become my preferred status. Getting my daily recommended dose of gratitude is as important as getting nutritious food. I appreciate that the brief periods of ingratitude only serve to further strengthen my resolve to keep my gratitude practice going. It works. It really does.
