MET UP, Metavivor, and MBC Awareness Day

Today I am grateful for my health and for a healthier perspective on life. Even when I lose sight of it on busy days, I am able to return to it more quickly.

Every October 13, in the midst of pink ribbon warriors and a flood of feel-good merchandise, Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day takes place. It's goal is to raise awareness and funds for our BC sisters and brothers who need it most-those whose cancer has metastasized beyond the breast. Cancer that stays in the breast is not deadly. Cancer that spreads can be. It is what kills 40,000 people in the U.S. every year, roughly the same number that have been dying annually for decades.

Progress? Progress comes by looking our fears in the face, and looking at the faces of those with MBC. Not by promoting more pink stuff.

Since I won't be blogging for a few days, I wanted to get this message out in time for October 13.

Here is a post I wrote in 2012. In it are links to Metavivor and MBCN, two organizations that continue to help MBC patients and the hope for a future free of this scourge.  Add to that the newer activist organization MET UP at

My post from 2012 links to the late Lisa Bonchek Adams' blog and her powerful writing. For more such feisty and raw writing, check out blogger Beth Caldwell at The Cult of Perfect Motherhood.
I read her latest post about turning 40 and went right to PayPal to make a donation. Although a small one, I know where it is going and I am proud to contribute.

Consider what we can each do. Whether it is making a modest donation, or questioning things adorned with pink ribbons, or speaking out about finding more reliable screening techniques than mammograms. We can share our stories and our fears. We can make a difference in real ways. It is the best we can hope for.
