
Today I am grateful for my job and the diversity of skills needed and experiences gained. I am also grateful for the winding down of a busy work week.

The first stop on my A-Z trek is AVERAGE. My initial thought as I pondered this word is that daily gratitude practice allows me to average out a steady supply of gratitude. Some days my level of gratitude is below average. Maybe I am tired. Maybe I have seen and heard too much pain and frustration from those I care about and/or work with.

On other days, my level of gratitude is above average. I am able to stay present and mindful. I feel the joy in the moment and the smallest of blessings. Some days my level of gratitude is just right. I proceed an hour at a time, pausing to regroup when needed, noticing reasons to be grateful throughout my day.

When those days are averaged together, I end up with a fair amount of gratitude in my stockpile. Consider it insurance to protect me from the energy-zapping, soul draining world I sometimes find myself in, or sometimes create in my mind.

Then there's that other average. Just typical. Mediocre. We shy away from that use of average. Who wants to be "just average?"  Let's do ourselves and everyone else a favor. Embrace our averageness and accept it. Then we can spend more time bringing out our unique and exceptional natures. We all have both, we all are both. Average. Exceptional.

I am average at many things. You wouldn't want to hear me sing. I can't dance. I am fairly clueless when it comes to designing things. Math is not a strong suit.

I am above average as a committed runner. I am above average at practicing gratitude. Together, these two have made an exceptional difference in my life.
