The Stillness

Today I am grateful for rest, ice cream, a nice morning for a run, and pre-marathon excitement and anticipation.

A couple days ago this was the Word for the Day from

"Let us accept the invitation, ever-open, from the Stillness, taste its exquisite sweetness, and heed its silent instruction."  (Paul Brunton) 

These words were just what I needed the other morning. Just the reminder that would help me face that busy and full day ahead. But the words resonated with me beyond that initial reminder.

"Let us accept the invitation . . . " What a beautiful and calm opening to a new day, a new activity, a chance to meet someone new. Not pushing our own agenda too heavily. Not missing the joy in the work because we are rushing too much. Not getting caught up in our own heads and missing the many messages that we get when simply paying attention.

" . . . from the Stillness . . ." Whether or not you believe in a God, a Higher Power, nothing or everything, who can refute the power of the Stillness? Being aware in the moment, being still and quiet, holds so much power, so much amazing grace. It takes practice, and I can only say I have made some progress in being still. I can also say, however, that it is now an important and meaningful life endeavor for me . . . to accept the invitation of the Stillness, to be open to what I might learn about myself, others, and the world around me today.

" . . . and heed its silent instruction."  If I start out with an open and quieted mind, I better receive the guidance and direction that is best for me. A closed mind means I have put myself entirely in charge and it will likely be an exhausting day of wasted thoughts and energy.

Today I will seek the silent instruction of the Stillness. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Stop. Look. Listen.
