Living gratefully today, I give thanks for cool breezes and the smiles I know are behind the masks of friends. I can see the smile in their eyes. The word marginalized has been rolling around in my head for some time now. The killing of George Floyd on Memorial Day and the unrest since then brings many terms to the forefront. Systemic racism. White fragility. White privilege. Black Lives Matter. Anti-racism. Marginalized. Marginalized...seen as insignificant or peripheral, on the edge or outer limit. To marginalize is to treat a person or group as unimportant, insignificant, or of lower status. An acronym I am seeing and hearing often now, along with BLM, is BIPOC. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. BIPOC certainly refers to groups that have been marginalized for centuries in our country. We have some ugly history fellow Americans. The present has had some ugliness too. Can we use the pain and anger, the injustice and frustration, to bring some real change? ...