Episodic Anger
Today I am grateful for all the health care workers who are helping in many different capacities at this time. I am also grateful for governors, mayors, and others at the state and local level who are working so hard for the citizens they represent. "Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again . . ." And write about you. I am grateful for the range of emotions I am feeling. It is some begrudging gratitude today, but the feelings remind me I am alive. Anger is bubbling, as it has from time to time over the last weeks. Overall, I have felt resilience and shown compassion for self and others. Episodic anger comes and goes though too. A normal and healthy emotion in this unsettling and often untethered time. Am I handling it reasonably and gently? Not always. Episodic: occurring, appearing, or changing at usually irregular intervals : OCCASIONAL. Recent episodes have included: *Anger at these circumstances that have heavily altered our day-to-...